quinta-feira, 10 de junho de 2010

Old Notebooks

I was never one to write everyday in a diary. I was the kind (and still am most of the time) that had bursts of inspiration.
Looking through my old high school journal I found an old part of myself; one that questioned the world and human beings. I really tried hard to understand everything. My perception of the world was so fresh and willing and hopeful. Reading that journal gave me a sense of who I was then- parts of me, that now have slightly transitioned and shifted to something different.

How do you measure personal growth? Is there ever a period you stop evolving and are stuck? And, again I go to one of my constant questions, do people change?

Wonka Bar- Curitiba

----Junior Year Entry-------
I wish I lived in a world where I could step away and be a third person narrator, just like in a book. I would see so many things clearer. I would be able to go back and see people at a distance and notice things I'd never notice before. 

All of us have a frame of perception. We perceive only a limited amount of things that surround us. As a third person I wouldn't be biased. Both consciously and subconsciously we end up choosing what we want to see,  who we want to be with, and what we want to do. But we miss so many other things.

Um comentário:

  1. loved what you wrote in your Junior Year Entry, and fantastic version of Kings of Convenience, bem bossa nova.
