domingo, 30 de maio de 2010

Hot Chocolate and Iced Tea in between words...

One of my eternal frustrations is not expressing myself the way I wished- which ideally would be both in Portuguese and English. It's just that there's some words that are better and precise in one of the languages. For example, the word 'chato' can't be perfectly translated in English (can any translation be perfect?)- it can mean a combination of annoying, boring, a pain in the ass...I'm still searching for that word.

I also miss writing in Portuguese. It gives a me different kind of feeling and satisfaction. When I write in Portuguese I feel more romantic and more poetic. Because of the Neo-Latin and Romance roots there is so much richness. It's a different me. Even when I speak it I feel differently. My voice pitch gets higher and I experience a strange sense of warmness. It's like drinking a mug of hot chocolate with little round marshmallows as you sit in your sofa with a blanket over your knees.

When I write in English I feel I can express myself more acutely. With English it's short, quick, and clear. When I speak I feel very straightforward. Speaking in English is like drinking a cold cup of Lemon Ice Tea in your patio on a breezing spring day.

     This is one of the trees in front my house. 

Language, translations, and multiculturalism intrigue me in so many ways. How is it that even aspects in personalities are transformed through language? And how can we further connect language and culture?

So here is a playlist dedicated to uma língua tão linda repleta de tantas cores e riquezas.

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